# Enchantments

# Enchantments

Custom enchantments can be added to your tools, weapons, and armor, enhancing them with unique abilities and power-ups. These custom enchantments are applied using enchantment books, which are given from enchantment shards. Enchantment shards come from Enchanter Crates; keys for these crates can be obtained from various activities such as vote parties, wither events, and key mining enchantments.

Enchantments in the game are structured into a tier system, offering a clear progression path for players. The tiers, from Simple to Champion, each provide enchantments with increasing levels of rarity and power. You can enhance your tools with multiple enchantments from any category.

Enchantment shards representing each tier are used to obtain the enchantment books. A random enchantment book from the selected shard's tier is granted, with success rates varying from 1% to 100%. The maximum number of custom enchantments on a single item starts at five and can be increased through achieving higher levels of prestige, up to a limit of nine with Prestige 5. Netherite items also immediately grant an additional enchantment slot, no matter your prestige.

Custom enchantments are applied by clicking the enchantment book on the target item in the inventory menu. Enchantment rarities of prestige require the player to have reached Prestige 1. Prestige+ enchantments require the player to have reached Prestige 5. Champion enchantments can only be used by players who have reached Champion 1.

# List

All custom enchantments available for various item types are detailed below:

Name Rarity Description
Music Mash Simple Get rewarded for playing music!
Graviton Simple Gives jump boost for a short time!
Regenerate Unique Respawns the last block you mined!
Frost Touch Unique Create a smaller glacier after breaking a block!
Conjure Unique Chance to upgrade the mined ore into a better ore!
Ore Scavenger Elite Mining ore has a chance to make more ores spawn around you!
Ore Intuition Elite Chance to earn additional mining McMMO experience while mining!
Block Roulette Elite Makes the mined ore cycle between block variants!
Smelter's Aid Ultimate Chance to earn repair McMMO experience while mining!
Reinforced Legendary Increases durability of starter items!
Preservation Legendary Increases durability!
Nimble Legendary Chance to gain extreme speed while mining!
Experience Extractor Legendary Chance to find extra experience for every block broken!
Energized Legendary Chance to gain temporary haste while mining!
Wall Breaker Prestige Chance to break additional blocks in a 3x3x1 area!
Token Collector Prestige Chance to find tokens while mining!
Surge Prestige Chance to increase RNG meter progress!
Speed Breaker Prestige Chance to gain temporary haste while mining!
Recharge Prestige Chance to reduce McMMO superbreaker cooldowns.
Key Miner Prestige Chance to find random keys while mining!
Instabreak Prestige Chance to instantly break the block you were about to mine!
Gold Digger Prestige Chance to find money while mining!
Furnace Prestige Chance to turn logs into charcoal while chopping wood!
Explode Prestige Chance to break additional blocks in a 3x3x3 area!
Contraband Detector Prestige Chance to find contraband while mining!
Unbreakable Prestige+ Gain Infinite durability!
Magnet Prestige+ Pulls all nearby items to you!
Crypto Catalyst Prestige+ Increases the amount of cryptocurrency that you can find!
Blast Prestige+ Chance to break additional blocks in a 3x4x4 area!
Amplify Prestige+ Chance to temporarily boost activation of other enchantments!
Rapid Breaker Champion A combination of Speed Breaker and Instabreak, both in one!
Key Stasher Champion Chance to find random better keys while mining more often!
Impulse Champion Find unique rewards and buffs while mining by increasing your mining streak!
Gold Rush Champion Chance to find money more often while mining and find lots of cash from gold ores!
Flare Champion Chance to increase RNG meter progress at even higher rates!
Contraband Scanner Champion Chance to find better contraband more often while mining!
Name Rarity Description
Dredge Elite Chance to find ores while fishing!
Angler's Delight Ultimate Chance to earn additional McMMO experience while fishing!
Preservation Legendary Increases durability!
Pirate's Doubloons Legendary Chance to find cash treasure chests while fishing!
Token Trawler Prestige Chance to get tokens while fishing!
Raider's Hoard Prestige Chance to find exotic treasure chests while fishing!
Momentum Prestige Chance to increase RNG meter progress!
Cartel's Curse Prestige Chance to get contraband while fishing!
Barbed Prestige Chance to boost fishing net catches!
Snag Fishing Doubles the chances of finding certain fishing nets!
Hook Fishing Catch fish faster than vailla lure!
Bait Fishing Catch fish faster than hook!
Amplify Fishing Chance to temporarily boost activation of other enchantments.
Raider's Redemption Champion Chance to find exclusive treasure chests more often while fishing!
Kraken's Knowledge Champion Chance to gain more RNG meter progress while fishing including on champion drops!
Cartel's Calamity Champion Chance to find more contraband while fishing and special crates!
Name Rarity Description
Botanical Boost Elite Chance to earn additional McMMO experience while farming!
Fragment Finder Ultimate Chance to obtain relic fragments while farming but also consumes a large amount of durability!
Sower's Surplus Legendary Chance to receive crates while farming while a small chance to consume additional durability!
Preservation Legendary Increases durability
Nimble Legendary Chance to gain extreme speed while farming!
Token Yielder Prestige Chance to find tokens while farming!
Key Harvester Prestige Chance to find keys while farming!
Contraband Cultivator Prestige Chance to get contraband while farming!
Cash Crop Prestige Chance to find money while farming!
Unbreakable Prestige+ Gain infinite durability!
Amplify Prestige+ Chance to temporarily boost activation of other enchantments!
Sweeping Reap Champion Replant in a 3x3 area with a chance to harvest in a 1x9 area when above 1500 herbalism!
Fortune Field Champion Chance to find money while harvesting crops that scales with your prestige!
Fire Plow Champion Chance to harvest cooked variants of crops!
Name Rarity Description
Extinguish Simple A chance to extinguish flames!
Emanate Simple Gain permanent night vision while equipped!
Witherless Unique Chance to remove a wither effect!
Radioactive Unique Chance to effect your opponent with poison with a low chance to deal damage!
Demonic Unique Chance to remove your opponent's fire resistance!
Springs Elite Gain permanent jump boost!
Nova Elite Gives permanent fire resistance!
Juggernaut Elite Chance to gain resistance at low health!
Fatigue Elite Gives your attacker slowness and mining fatigue!
Anti Sword Elite Chance for swords to do less damage to you!
Anti Axe Elite Chance for axes to do less damage to you!
Restore Ultimate A chance to restore hunger passively!
Hind Ultimate Chance to take less damage from behind!
Bounce Ultimate Gain permanent extreme jump boost!
Armored Ultimate Gain permanent increase in hearts!
Ward Legendary Chance to absorb some damage from your opponent and provide absorption!
Speed Legendary Gain permanent speed boost!
Savior Legendary Chance to gain absorption near death!
Guardian Armored Legendary Gain extreme permanent increase in hearts!
Vengeance Prestige Chance for the next attack against you to have reduced damage.
Shockwave Prestige Chance to fling your opponents away when attacked!
Retaliate Prestige Chance to gain strength when attacked by your opponent.
Misdirection Prestige Chance to redirect your opponent's attack back on to them.
Name Rarity Description
Venom Unique Chance to strike your opponent with a dose of venom!
Bom Unique Chance for arrows to explode on impact!
Incendiary Elite Chance to turn arrows into explosive fireballs!
Impale Elite Chance to inflict more damage to your opponent over time!
Headshot Elite Chance for headshots to deal extra damage!
Name Rarity Description
Robbery Simple A chance to steal your opponent's money while fighting!
Pick Pocket Simple A chance to steal your opponent's experience while fighting!
Lightweight Simple A chance to give a burst of haste!
Guillotine Simple A chance to gain your victims skull on kill!
Famine Simple Chance to lower the hunger and saturation of your opponent!
Thrash Unique Chance to damage all opponent's in a nearby radius!
Stun Unique Chance to make your opponent feel weak!
Quicksand Unique A chance to inflict your opponent with slowness!
Blessed Unique Chance to remove debuffs!
Arsonist Unique A chance to deal more damage while on fire!
Purge Elite Chance to remove your opponent's speed!
Defenseless Elite Chance to increase damage to your opponent when they have no weapon!
Backstab Elite Chance to deal more damage to your opponent when attacked from behind!
Venomous Unique Chance to strike your opponent with a deadly dose of venom!
Nullify Unique Chance to block some of your opponent's enchantments from activating temporarily!
Preservation Legendary Increases durability!
Penetrate Legendary Chance to bypass your opponent's armor and deal pure damage!
Life Steal Legendary Chance to steal your opponent's health!
Execution Legendary Chancce to deal increased damage to your opponent!
Scatter Prestige Chance to scatter your opponent's hot-bar!